Breaking Into Sports: Originality is the Key

You have been peddling that resume from sports team to sports team and no bites.

I’ve heard the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over expecting a different result. Stop the insanity!

Have you considered a video resume?

Speaking from experience, I have been the Director with multiple stacks of resumes sprawled across my desk. I wonder how I would of reacted to receiving a video resume via email. I definitely would have watched the video, if not for sheer originality on the part of the candidate.

As I mentioned in chapter one of 7 Tips for Breaking Into the World Of Sports, get creative! Your video resume is a great way to stand out and actually land you a call back.

Here are three ways to create a Steven Spielberg-esq, steller video resume:

  • How do I look? Give yourself a fighting chance to impress. Lighting and your attire are just as important behind the camera as they are in person. Wear colors that you look best in and keep it classy. Keep in mind you are up against stiff competition! You will first need to convince the person hiring that you can sell yourself.
  • What is this? I should not have to guess what the video is about and who you are. State clearly at the beginning of the video your name and the position you are going out for. Give a brief history of your work experience and why you are the most qualified candidate to land the position. Then, wrap it up.
  • Bonus! Research, research, research. If you want to land brownie points know the name and title of the person who will be viewing the video. Use their name at least five names throughout the presentation. It will add a personal touch and show that you took the extra effort to be relatable.

Look, you said it was your passion to work in this industry. Well, the time is now. Be original.
