One of the first things I noticed when my husband and I arrived in Tokyo, Japan were the street signs. They were everywhere, explaining everything. I was interested in how a city like Tokyo communicated its messages, honored traditions, and beliefs with foreigners like myself.
Below are a few signs I found unique and worth sharing for obvious reasons.
No Smoking While Walking
Smoke blow back is annoying and one thing was made clear in a city like Tokyo where 9.1 million people call home - respect. This sign prevents others from having to consume your toxic lifestyle.
Ground sign in Tokyo
No elaborate caption necessary.
Women Only
How do you prevent unwanted groping on public trains? Create a women's only car. Whether you find this to be a solution or a setback to women's rights, what is clear is something was done to address this growing danger in Japan. Read more about train groping in Japan here.
Osaka Station
How to use the restroom
Sometimes we all need a reminder.
Don't Rush
New Yorkers take note. Running me down to catch the S train is mean: "Don't Rush Onto The Train." Also, the video circulating a couple years ago regarding people being shoved into a train is not completely accurate. We traveled to Japan during Golden Week, a national holiday in which millions of people are off of work. Public transportation was busy, but not that busy.